Monday, October 18, 2010


His breastplate was the aegis, awful to behold; his bird was the eagle, his tree the oak. His oracle was Dodona in the land of oak trees. The god’s will was revealed by the rustling of oak leaves which the priests interpreted.
--Edith Hamilton (27-28)
Zeus: pp. 27-28
Danaë: pp. 146-148
Europa: pp. 81-84
Io: pp. 78-81
Leda: pp. 41, 186


  1. Ivan Tung:

    Q1. Who were the parents of Zeus?
    A: They were Cronus and Rhea, who were Titans, children of Uranus and Gaea.

    Q2. What symbols of Zeus represent
    A: His breastplate is the aegis, his bird is the eagle, lightning bolt is his weapon; his tree oak.

  2. Mary Cheng:
    Who deceived Zeus in Iliad?
    Both Poseidon and Hera have deceived Zeus before.

    What did Zeus do that makes Greeks unhappy?
    He has endless love affairs with different women.

    What is the quote that shows Zeus' expectation of men to do the right action?
    Army at Greek is told "Father Zeus never helps liars or those who break their oaths."

  3. Mary Cheng:
    Editing answer for question 3.
    Greek army at Troy is told "Father Zeus never helps liars or those who break their oaths."

  4. Linda:
    Q1Where is the oracle of Zeus?
    A:In the Dadona.
    Q2who turned acow because of Zeus?
    A:Is Io.

  5. Ivan Tung:

    Q3. Zeus changed himself into a bull because who?
    A: Because of Europa.

  6. Linda said:

    Q3:How did Zeus let Danae to be preqnant?
    A: The Golden Shower.
