Monday, October 18, 2010


She was the goddess married women turned to for help. Ilithyia (or Eileithyia), who helped women in childbirth, was her daughter. The cow and the peacock were sacred to her. Argos was her favorite city.
--Edith Hamilton (28)
Hera: p. 28


  1. Christine Chen:

    1. What kind of relationship between Hera and Zeus ?

    Ans: Hera was Zeus's wife and sister.

    2. Hera was the protector of what ?

    Ans: She was the protector of marriage, and married women were her peculiar care.

    3. where was Hera's favorite city ?

    Ans: The Argos.

  2. Christine Chen said:

    4. What caused Troy fell in ruin ?

    Ans: Because a Trojan(Paris) who had judged another goddess lovelier than Hera. The wrong of her slighted beauty remained with her until Troy fell in ruins.( See P.186 The Judgement of Paris)

  3. Cleo chiang:

    1.Hera is Zeus the only love one?
    A:NO! she is not.

    2. Can Hera accept these women ?
    A: Of course not.
    Hera chiefly engaged in punishing the women Zeus fell in love with.she never forgot an injury.

    3.who is Hera’s Daughter ?
    A:Ilithyia (or Eileithyia)
    Help women in childbirth.

  4. Hullo , I am admiring the terrific image of Hera , admirers , and attendants , without knowing whose brush struck the surface of the medium which carries the brilliant messages . The colours which soften the rote savagery along with those hens and roosters of peacock beauty , imagining Iris broadcasting her inimitable talents , as her husband tarries building a foundation of ether , for the amusement of what passed for Olympian Hoi Polloi .
    Never the less I am struck by those weightless objects in what composes my imagination , a scene of deliberate composure in an exemplary study of an execution that has the otherwise missing flood as its passionate ebb only reflections from Iris , and the artists period of couture for the sturdy queen to stand for the expired's price of Hera justice .
