Saturday, November 6, 2010


He was commonly called "Earth-shaker" and was always shown carrying his trident, a three-pronged spear, with which he would shake and shatter whatever he pleased.
--Edith Hamilton (29)

Poseidon: p.p. 28-29
Amphitrite: p. 39
Coronis (& Apollo): p.p. 293-294
Amymone: p. 302


  1. Jin-He Wang
    Q: What animal did he give to mankind?
    A: Horse.
    Q: What is he frequently called?
    A: Earth shaker.
    Q: What is the trident?
    A: weapon used in the past looks like along fork with three points.

  2. Summer:
    1Q: Which animal had connection with not only Poseidon but also the other gods in Olympus?
    1A: Bulls
    2Q: Whose husband was Poseidon?
    2A: Amphitrite
    3Q: Where did Poseidon oftener to be found even though he had a slpendid palace beneath the sea?
    3A: Olympus.

  3. Janny:
    1Q: Who was the ruler of the sea?
    1A: Poseidon
    2Q:Who was the girl that Poseidon saved from satyr?
    2A: Amymone
    3Q:Who was the son of Poseidon and Amphitrite
    3A: Triton
